Configure VPN for Apple macOS

Configure VPN for Apple macOS

Follow these instructions to set up the VPN connection and then use the connection to connect to the university network.

Configuration summary
VPN typeL2TP with IPSec
Server namevpn.ualr.edu
Account name(use your NetID which is now your email address)
Shared secret

(retrieve the UALR pre-shared key and enter it in the shared secret field)

Add the connection

If you have an existing connection to our VPN service, remove the old one before adding a new one.


Select System Preferences from the Apple menu.

The System Preferences window will appear.

On the System Preferences window, select the Network  setting.

The Network dialog will appear with a list of network interfaces.

If the preference window is locked, select the settings lock  to make changes.


Select the Add button  to create a new network interface.

The network interface dialog will appear.
5Select VPN from the interface drop-down menu.A VPN Type menu option will appear.

Select L2TP with IPSec from the VPN Type drop-down menu.


Enter UALR VPN (or another appropriate label) in the Service Name field.

8Select Create.The UALR VPN interface will appear in the list.

Select the UALR VPN interface and enter the following information:

Server Addressvpn.ualr.edu
Account Name(use your NetID which is now your email address)


Select Authentication Settings and enter the following information:


(leave blank)

Shared Secret(retrieve the UALR pre-shared key and enter it in the shared secret field)


Select OK to save the authentication settings.

12Check the box labeled "Show VPN status in menu bar".This option causes a VPN icon to appear in the menu bar in the upper-right part of the desktop.

Select Apply to save all settings.

Use the connection

These instructions assume you have a working Internet connection.


To start a VPN connection:


Access the VPN drop-down menu  in the upper-right part of the desktop.

2Select Connect UALR VPN from the drop-down menu.The menu option may be different if you named the connection something other than UALR VPN.

If you are prompted for a password, enter it and select OK.

Upon successful connection, a timer will appear next to the VPN drop-down menu monitoring the length of your current connection.
4Approve the sign in on the Microsoft Authenticator appThe VPN now requires MFA, like Blackboard and Workday, but you must use the Authenticator App as your verification method.

While you have an active VPN connection to the university network, you may access campus-only services such as remote desktops and network-restricted applications.


To end a VPN connection:


Access the VPN drop-down menu  in the upper-right part of the desktop.


Select Disconnect UALR VPN from the drop-down menu.

The connection timer will disappear and you will no longer be connected to the campus network.
Remove the connection

Follow these instructions if you are re-configuring your connection or no longer need a VPN connection.

1Select System Preferences from the Apple menu. The System Preferences window will appear.

On the System Preferences window, select the Network  setting.

The Network dialog will appear with a list of network interfaces.

If the preference window is locked, select the settings lock  to make changes.


Select the existing VPN interface entry labeled UALR VPN (or whatever service label you provided when setting up the connection).


Select the Remove  button to delete the network interface.


Select Apply to save all settings.

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