Microsoft Authenticator app

Microsoft Authenticator app

The Microsoft Authenticator app is the easiest and most secure MFA method, only requiring a single tap when the system needs to re-authenticate you. This method is the initial one offered to new registrations, so follow these instructions to use the Microsoft Authenticator method.

You will need to know your phone's App Store account credentials in order to install the app. For example, your Apple ID (iOS) or Google Play account (Android).

If you haven't already installed the Microsoft Authenticator app on your phone, be sure to use the Download now link on the first MFA screen.

No, it doesn't download the app onto your computer. (smile) 

Instead, you will be taken to a website to type in your mobile phone number and have a link texted to you for easy installation!

  1. Select Download now on the Microsoft Authenticator screen.
    A new window will open with instructions on how to download the Microsoft Authenticator app.
  2. Enter your mobile phone number and select Send Link.
    You will receive a text message with a link to download and install the app. You may also search for Microsoft Authenticator in your phone's app store.
  3. Install the Microsoft Authenticator app onto your phone and open it.

    Notifications required!

    The first time you open the app you will be asked to grant access to your camera and allow notifications. Both of these steps are required in order to successfully use the app. If you skip these steps or answer "Don't Allow", the setup process cannot be completed until you allow access to the Microsoft Authenticator app for both the camera and push notifications in your phone settings.

    First-time use pop-ups

    As part of the first time you open the Authenticator app, it may prompt you to set up two features we are currently not using: passwordless sign-in and protect all your online accounts.

    Choose Skip for both of these until you are prompted to Add work account.

  4. In the Microsoft Authenticator app, select Add Work Account.
    You may need to choose the Add Account and then Work or school account option instead. Your phone's camera should turn on.
  5. Return to your computer's web browser and select Next.
    A QR code will appear on the registration screen that you will use to complete the Microsoft Authenticator setup.
  6. Point your phone at the QR code on your screen.
    Your phone's camera will scan the code.
  7. Return to your computer's web browser and select Next.
    An approval notification will appear on your phone's screen.

  8. Select Approve in the app notification dialog.
    A confirmation screen will appear on your computer's web browser stating that your notification was approved. 

    If the approval notification doesn't work, you may also select Can't scan image on your computer's web browser's screen and use the 6-digit one-time password code displayed in your Authenticator app. This code will be automatically refreshed every 30 seconds.

  9. Select Next.
    You will see a screen regarding your second MFA method. Your second method may already be configured. If not, review one of the other methods in this document.

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